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  • Writer's pictureAnthonio Von Swagger

Stopping the Stigma of Mental Specialties in Media, Book and Film.

Mental Illness will be referred throughout this Article as Mental Specialties as it is more appropriate in reference to its abnormality. I have written this article with concerns for the representation of Mental Specialties in Film and Media outlets and the affects it has on individuals who cope wi the disease in its various forms.

It is necessary that we cover this important topic and continues to bring awareness by presenting audiences and writers with a platform to express their personal truths, facts and opinions.

I believe that audiences can provide the assistance desperately needed for change.

It is my intention to give readers a firsthand account and experience from the perspective of the afflicted with hopes of changing the narrative, finding solutions and making the necessary changes in the way Mental Health is depicted through film, descriptions and media.

I cannot promise listeners or Readers that I am the best person to present an article on this topic however I can guarantee that I will give an honest and open perspective.

Stopping the Stigma of Mental Specialties in Media, Book and Film. The depiction of what Mental Health is in medicine, science, religion, politics, news, radio and media, movie or propaganda will vary according to the conglomerate lobbying the narrative.  The representation of Mental Specialties through these syndicates has provided a global quintessential concept that delineates it's genus in a detrimental connotation. 

The phenomenon of Mental Specialties has been associated with the most heinous atrocities by man and the visualization is a stereotypical generalization presented to a misinformed communal resulting in an unsympathetic public instilled with fear, misunderstanding and misled by stigmas.  By definition the descriptions of Mental Specialties are defined by these appellations and their synonyms as illustrations and retorts when researching the term in any dictionary format.

DICTIONARY  "Lunatic, sociopath, psychopath, maniac, mad-man, head case, schizoid, basket case, loony, weirdo, cuckoo, fruitcake, wacko, crazy, mental, mad, insane, unhinged, certifiable, delirious, disturbed and non-compos mentis." These publicized dictionaries subsequently give "mental illness" and the people whom cope with it daily the most deplorable and demoralizing definitions to be associated with any "disease" defined by man. These definitions affect relationships and partnerships with the assuming or unassuming public. We are Fathers, husbands, wives, mothers and children that are loved by family and friends who deserve better with expectation to be better. If Mental Specialties is a disease with no cures and is a severe psychological trauma likely suffered as a child, such as an emotional, physical, or sexual abuse then why are we shunned by society and persecuted by the consensus of the mass population in dictionaries and descriptions? The perception of Mental Specialties as depicted by the movie industry is an awful insight to how the Mental Specialties community is irresponsibly represented through the imagination of filmmakers and storytellers while presented to the minds and ideas of the public.

The dialogue that is presented to the public will suggest that all individuals that have Mental Specialties suffer from manias and are incapable of comprehension, love, intelligence or living what is deemed to be normal lives.  The blueprint for Mental Specialties in film is limited to retardation, raping, killing and embellishments of violence when represented as entertainment. These movie roles and characters continue to push a fallacious narrative and provide audiences with misconceptions as well as inaccurate stereotypes about mental health and the people whom diligently strive for a positive recovery. 

The lack of accountability by media and news outlets is unjust and bias.

Criminals are constantly and consistently described as mentally ill in reference to crimes and actions daily without confirmed diagnosis. 

SSI applications related in Mental Specialties are completed by accredited professionals and the process may take up to two years and in some cases longer. Yet in minutes untrained professionals can convince viewers that a hysteria has been caused and crime has been attributed by the diagnosis.  This Propaganda defining Mental Specialties by untrained professionals in News puts patients and consumers in danger and further creates boundaries in communities that desperately need education and assistance. This makes the media the leading authority on reporting exactly what Mental Specialties is and who the people are that have any condition related to the phenomenon. Prominent people previously associated with Mental Specialties and have been immortalized by their contributions globally to humanity and have also had mention negatively when concerning the disease itself.  Issac Newton, Ludwig van Beethoven, Winston Churchill, Tesla, Emperors and Kings are just to name a handful of brilliant people that have offered humanity an insight to the inner workings of the Mental Specialties mind.

This propaganda will continue to plaque our communities and promote antipathetic ideas of what Mental Health is until we have an opportunity for discussions and a platform that makes our voices the center of understanding and not the poster children for mad men.

Government Officials continued to promote and propel the narrative that people who cope and live with Mental Specialties are monsters and deserve to be institutionalized. These statements have contributed to the Propaganda and have caused further misunderstandings in a community that has already suffered the repercussions of miseducation. The collective consistency of these statements by media and the lack of empathy concerning these health matters will continue to damage the recovery efforts of individuals and their families.  In closing.

What we need is more compassion and efforts when stopping the Stigma of Mental Specialties and an abundance of solutions with contributions through law, education, housing and funding.

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